sábado, 2 de junio de 2018

Discurso para la cena de equipos

"Hello, we are Landederros Gamberros.We come from a northern region in Spain, the Basque Country. What makes us special is that we attend 10 different schools.
We are dressed like typical basque. Girls are called 'neskas' and boys are called 'blusas'.
We come from different villages in a plane surrounded by beautiful mountains. The Basque Country is very special: we speak a different and very old language, the euskera, and our cities are very traditional and ambiented.
We are now going to sing a traditional song in euskera called 'ikusi mendizaleak', that talks about our unique mountains and our lifestyle. Meanwhile, a video will be playing where we show pictures of our villages and our city.
Hope you like it!"

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